2025 Benefits & Perks

When it comes to creating opportunity and wealth for our team, Spreetail works hard to enhance your employee experience through benefit programs and perks that provide meaningful support and allow you to be successful in your work.

Aside from cash, Spreetail offers some pretty great benefits to thank you for your contributions to the company’s success. Some are traditional, and some are extra special.

Your Health

Our insurance options ensure that you and your family members have access to the best medical, dental, and vision care available.

Your Wealth

We’ll help protect your home, family, and funds so you can have peace of mind and the ability to focus on doing what you love most.

Your Wellness

We provide options for fun and development to keep your mind clear, your body healthy, and your growth constant.

Ready To Enroll?

When you’re ready, log in and complete the online enrollment forms. Click here to sign in to Dayforce and get started!

Your Health

Spreetail offers two medical plans – PPO and HDHP (HSA) – provided by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska; both have the same great network of providers. RxBenefits and OptumRx are our pharmacy benefit manager, which gives us access to more pharmacies nationally, including CVS! This also means you will receive a separate pharmacy ID card. If you have any questions about your prescription drugs, please reach out to RxBenefits at 800.334.8134 or [email protected] as they are our support team for OptumRx.

In addition to offering a HDHP, Spreetail will contribute up to $500/year to an employee’s Health Savings Account (HSA) when they enroll in Employee Only coverage and up to $1,000/year when enrolling with one or more dependents. *The HSA employer contribution is split up over 12 or 26 pay periods. If you start after January 1st, the employer HSA contribution is pro-rated amongst the remaining pay periods in the year.

  • Bi-weekly: $19.23 for employee only coverage
  • Bi-weekly: $38.46 for dependent tiers 
  • Monthly: $41.66 for employee only coverage
  • Monthly: $83.33 for dependent tiers 

A HSA will automatically be opened with Navia once you enroll in the HDHP.  Please notify HR if you are also enrolled in another medical plan (parents, spouse, Medicare, etc.) as it may limit your eligibility to receive HSA contributions.

Please take the time to register at Nebraskablue.com and create your personal account. When searching for in-network providers the system will know your plan and show you accurate results.

Employee's premiums are staying the same for 2025! *Imputed income applies for domestic partner premiums, post-tax.

Medical Plan Comparison BCBS Nebraska PPO BCBS Nebraska HDHP
Benefits In Network Out of Network In Network Out of Network
Lifetime Maximum Benefit Unlimited Unlimited
Deductible embedded embedded
    Individual (Individual with Family) $1,500 $3,000 $3,000 ($3,300) $3,000 ($3,300)
    Family $3,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000
Out of Pocket Maximum 
    Individual $3,000 $6,000 $4,000 $6,000
    Family $6,000 $12,000 $8,000 $12,000
Co-Insurance 20% 40% 20% 50%
Office Visit $15/$40 Ded + 40% Ded + 20% Ded + 50%
Urgent Care $60 Ded + 40% Ded + 20% Ded + 50%
Preventive Services/ Well Baby Care No Charge Ded + 40% No Charge Ded + 50%
Lab and X-ray No Charge Ded + 40% Ded + 20% Ded + 50%
Mental Health Office Visit No Charge Ded + 40% Ded + 20% Ded + 50%
Telemedicine $10 Not Covered Ded + 20% Not Covered
Hospitalization Ded + 20% Ded + 40% Ded + 20% Ded + 50%
Outpatient Surgery Ded + 20% Ded + 40% Ded + 20% Ded + 50%
Emergency Room $200 (Waived if admitted) then Ded + 20% Ded + 20%
Acupuncture $40 Ded + 40% Ded + 20% Ded + 50%
Chiropractic Services $20 $20 Ded + 20% Ded + 50%
- Rx Deductible Refer to medical deductible
- Generic $10 50% Ded + 20% Ded + 50%
- Brand $30 50% Ded + 20% Ded + 50%
- Non-Preferred $50 50% Ded + 20% Ded + 50%
RATES PER PAY PERIOD  Monthly Bi-weekly Monthly Bi-weekly
Employee Only $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Employee & Spouse/Domestic Partner* $274.41 $126.65 $233.16 $107.61
Employee & Child(ren)  $196.01 $90.47 $166.54 $76.86
Family - Employee, Spouse/Domestic Partner*, Children, Children of DP $496.54 $229.17 $421.89 $194.72

Your 24/7 Virtual Care Benefit that is FREE for PPO members and $8/visit for HDHP members to use.

98point6 is on-demand, text-based care from the convenience of an app. Our board-certified physicians cover the full spectrum of primary care—from medical questions, to diagnosis and treatment, to prescriptions and labs.

Whether you have a health question while cooking dinner or your child is spiking a fever at 2 am, we’re here for you. With no appointments, no travel and no waiting rooms, 98point6 can address a wide variety of conditions including:

  • Itchy or sore throat
  • Rashes
  • Seasonal allergies
  • Muscle sprains and strains
  • Stomach flu/gastroenteritis
  • Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
  • …and more

98point6 is available to you and your family ages 1+ today.

Spreetail offers dental insurance through Sun Life, which has one of the nation’s largest provider networks. You will save the most money by selecting a dentist that is “in-network.”

Employee's premiums are staying the same for 2025! *Imputed income applies for domestic partner premiums, post-tax.

PLEASE NOTE: The orthodontia benefit has a lifetime maximum of $1,500. Orthodontic lifetime maximum caps how much money your dental plan will contribute to orthodontic work over the course of your lifetime. It does not renew yearly or reset when switching insurance carriers. Any prior orthodontic services will be applied to your lifetime maximum benefit amount with Sun Life.

*For out-of-network dentists, Sun Life will pay up to the 90th percentile of the Usual & Customary billed rates in that geographical area. If your dentist charges a rate higher than that benchmark, you may be responsible for the additional charges. Ask your dentist for an estimate if you are concerned.

Dental SunLife
Benefits In Network Out of Network
Annual Max $1,500
Orthodontia Lifetime Max (Adult & Child) $1,500
- Preventive $0
- Basic (Individual/Family) $50/$100 $50/$100
- Major (Individual/Family) $50/$100 $50/$100
- Preventive 100%
- Basic  80% 80%
- Major 50% 50%
- Orthodontia 50% 50%
Important Provisions
- Endodontic Services Basic
- Periodontal Maintenance Basic
- Periodontal Surgery Basic
- Oral Surgery (Simple Extractions) Basic
- Oral Surgery (Complex Extractions) Basic
Usual & Customary Negotiated Fee 90th Percentile
RATES PER PAY PERIOD  Monthly Bi-weekly
Employee Only $11.86 $5.47
Employee & Spouse/Domestic Partner* $23.24 $10.73
Employee & Child(ren)  $23.36 $10.78
Family - Employee, Spouse/Domestic Partner*, Children, Children of DP $35.45 $16.36

Like dental coverage, Spreetail offers vision insurance through Sun Life, which operates under the VSP network, the largest network of vision care providers in the U.S. You will save the most money by finding a provider that is “in-network.”

Employee's premiums are staying the same for 2025! *Imputed income applies for domestic partner premiums, post-tax.

Vision SunLife Voluntary Vision
Benefits In Network Out of Network
Office Visit Copay $10 $10
Materials Copay $25 $25
Eye Exam Reimbursement 100% up to $45
Lenses up to
- Single Vision Covered after 
- Bifocal $50
- Trifocal $60
Contact Lenses $150 $105
Frames Allowance $150 + 20% $70
Eye Exam Every 12 Months
Lenses Every 12 Months
Contact Lenses Every 12 Months
Frames Every 12 Months
RATES PER PAY PERIOD Monthly Bi-weekly
Employee Only $5.24 $2.42
Employee & Spouse/Domestic Partner* $11.00 $5.08
Employee & Child(ren)  $10.82 $4.99
Family - Employee, Spouse/Domestic Partner*, Children, Children of DP $17.70 $8.17

Employees enrolling in the HDHP plan will receive an HSA contribution from Spreetail (up to $500/year if enrolling by yourself and up to $1,000/year if enrolling with any dependents) to help offset your annual deductible, cover qualified medical/dental/vision expenses or save for the future.  The annualized contributions will be deposited based on your payroll frequency.  Contributions to your HSA are pre-tax contributions, which lower your taxable wages. *The HSA employer contribution is split up over 12 or 26 pay periods. If you start after January 1st, the employer HSA contribution is pro-rated amongst the remaining pay periods in the year.

  • Bi-weekly: $19.23 for employee only coverage
  • Bi-weekly: $38.46 for dependent tiers 
  • Monthly: $41.66 for employee only coverage
  • Monthly: $83.33 for dependent tiers 

To receive these funds, you must enroll in the HDHP medical plan and cannot be enrolled in any other non-HDHP (i.e., spouse, parents, Medicare).  HSA members can also not have an active Health Care FSA (read more in the Flexible Spending Account section below).  Your HSA will automatically open with UMB Bank (through Navia) when you enroll in the HDHP.  Unused funds roll over every year and are owned 100% by you; unused HSA funds do not return to Spreetail, and they can be invested in several mutual funds offered by Navia/UMB (investment fees apply for balances under $3,000).

You can contribute pre-tax funds to your HSA in addition to Spreetail’s contribution up to the IRS annual limit. The IRS maximum HSA contribution for 2025 is $4,300 for individual, $8,550 for family.  If you are a new hire and enroll in the HDHP with an effective date before 12/1, you can make a full year contribution for that year.  However, you must then stayed enrolled in an eligible HDHP for the entirety of the following calendar year or risk a tax penalty.  Please reference UMB’s website for more information.  

If you currently have an HSA with another bank and would like to transfer the funds, please review the attached HSA Transfer-Rollover to the right.

When Spreetail opens an HSA for an employee, UMB Bank must verify the employees information per the USA Patriot Act. UMB Bank may reach out to you via email/mail asking you to confirm your identity. Please do NOT ignore these communications as your account will be closed unless you verify your information.

See IRS Publication 502, “Medical & Dental Expenses” for a complete list of expenses covered by your HSA

A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) allows you to make pre-tax deductions from payroll and then use those pre-tax funds to pay for eligible expenses. Navia Benefit Solutions administers three separate FSA plans for Spreetail employees:

• Health Care
• Limited-Purpose
• Dependent Care FSA

The plan year runs from 1/1/25 to 12/31/25. FSA plans follow the basic rule of “use it or lose it”. However, the Medical FSA plan has a $640 rollover provision from one plan year to the next. All out-of-pocket claims incurred during the plan year must be submitted within 90-days from the end of the plan year. All other eligible charges can be paid for with the provided debit card.

Once your annual election is made, it will be divided by the remaining pay periods of 2025 and be deducted from payroll. The IRS maximum FSA elections for 2025 is $3,300 for Medical FSA and $5,000 for Dependent Care FSA.

Do not enroll in the Health Care FSA if you or your spouse contribute to a Health Savings Account (HSA).  A Limited-Purpose health flexible spending account (referred to as a Limited-Purpose FSA) is for employees who are contributing to an HSA or have a spouse contributing to an HSA, at any point during the plan year. Under a limited-purpose FSA, eligible expenses are limited to ONLY qualifying dental and vision expenses for you, your spouse, and your eligible dependents.

You will need Spreetail’s company code “RTA” when registering on Navia’s website to manage your account.

Additional information can be found by clicking on the “Navia Enrollment Kit” to the right, or under “More Info” in the banner above; just click on FAQ.

You can also see a full list of eligible expenses by clicking on the links below:

FSA Health Care: list of eligible and ineligible expenses 

Dependent Care: list of eligible and ineligible expenses  

Clever RX is 100% free to use. You can save up to 80% off prescription drugs and and potentially beat your insurance plan’s copay prices. 

All you need to do is follow the steps below to unlock exclusive savings: 

  • Download the free Clever RX app. Be sure to enter in your Group ID (3004) and Member ID (10822) to complete the process.
  • Enter your zip code and drug name/dose, and Clever RX checks for pharmacies near you that offer the lowest prices.  
  • Choose your preferred pharmacy and show your voucher on your screen to the pharmacist when you pick up your prescription.  

You can also share the Clever RX app with your family by clicking “share” at the bottom of the App.

Accepted at most pharmacies nationwide:

Please note, Clever RX cannot be used in conjunction with your Blue Cross Blue Shield of NE health insurance plan. You would only use Clever RX if the price of the prescription under Clever Rx is less than your BCBSNE co-payment. Payments for prescriptions under the Clever RX program will not accumulate toward your deductibles or out of pocket maximum under your BCBSNE health insurance plan. Please contact ProCo should you have further questions regarding Clever RX. 

Your Wealth

Life insurance coverage is designed to help provide financial support and stability to your family or designated beneficiary should you pass away. Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) insurance provides an extra layer of protection if you die or become dismembered in an accident.

Spreetail offers Group Life and AD&D insurance for all full-time employees and this benefit is 100% employer-paid. You simply need to name the beneficiary of your choosing and change it as needed.

Class All Eligible Employees
Benefit Amount $50,000
AD&D Benefit $50,000

Life insurance coverage is designed to help provide financial support and stability to your family should you pass away. Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) insurance provides an extra layer of protection if you die or become dismembered in an accident. You can also cover your eligible spouse and child(ren).

Spreetail offers Voluntary Life and AD&D insurance for all full-time employees and this benefit is 100% employee-paid. If this is the first time you are enrolling in Spreetail's benefits, the Standard will provide up to $200,000 of coverage without proof of health! 

At Open Enrollment, you may need to complete Evidence of Insurability (EOI) for any new election (if you have waived this coverage previously) or increase in election. If you have been denied coverage previously, you will be required to submit evidence of insurability for any election greater than your current amount.

For You: You can purchase additional Life and AD&D coverage for yourself in increments of $10,000 up to a max of $500,000. 

For Your Spouse: You can purchase additional Life and AD&D coverage for yourself in increments of $5,000 up to a max of $250,000. Spouse rates are based on your age.

For Your Child(ren): You can purchase additional Life and AD&D coverage for yourself in increments of $2,000 up to a max of $10,000. 

For late enrollees or coverage amounts over Guarantee Issue, a covered member will need to complete an Evidence of Insurability (EOI) form and it must be approved by Standard. EOI allows the insurance carrier to determine the risk in offering you additional coverage. In some cases, a physical exam or blood work may be required. You can submit your EOI online here or download a paper copy here (you will need your election amounts, physician names and addresses, SSN, DOB, and Spreetail’s policy #164975)

Short Term Disability coverage replaces a portion of your income when you can't work because of a qualifying disability. Even if you're healthy now, it's important to protect yourself and the people who count on your income. This insurance can help you pay the bills when you're unable to work.

Spreetail offers voluntary short term disability insurance for all full-time employees. This benefit is 100% employee-paid.

Benefit: 60% of your eligible earnings, up to a maximum benefit of $1,731 per week

Benefit Duration: 90 days (the benefit period INCLUDES a 7 day waiting period)

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: If you do not enroll during your initial enrollment period (i.e., new hire), a newly covered member will be subject to a 60-day waiting period (versus seven days) during the first 12-months of the policy for non-accident related disabilities (i.e., Physical Disease, Pregnancy or Mental Disorder).  Your benefit period will still be 90-days, unless you also enroll in Vol LTD, in which case you would transfer to the LTD plan 90-days after your date of disability.

MATERNITY INFORMATION: The Standard will consider you disabled if you decide to stop working up to two weeks prior to your delivery date without a doctor's note. If you work until your delivery date and have a normal non-caesarean delivery, you are considered disabled for 6 weeks. This means in some instances when childbirth occurs during the benefit waiting period, benefits will be paid for less than six weeks. Please reference the Maternity FAQ if you have additional questions.

Long Term Disability coverage is designed to replace a portion of your income when you're disabled for an extended period of time due to a qualifying disability and help you get back to work when you're ready.  This insurance can help you pay the bills when you're unable to work. Whether you're out for a few months or several years, this benefit can help you protect your income.

Spreetail offers voluntary long term disability insurance for all full-time employees. This benefit is 100% employee-paid.

Benefit: 60% of your eligible earnings, up to a maximum benefit of $7,500 per month

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: If you do not enroll during your initial enrollment period (i.e., new hire), a covered member will need to complete an Evidence of Insurability (EOI) form and it must be approved by Standard. EOI allows the insurance carrier to determine the risk in offering you coverage. In some cases, a physical exam or blood work may be required. You can submit your EOI online here or download a paper copy here (you will need your election amounts, physician names and addresses, SSN, DOB, and Spreetail’s policy #164975)

Accident Insurance helps you gain the advantage of financial protection thanks to the cash benefits paid directly to you. You also gain the financial empowerment to seek the treatment needed to get well. Accident Insurance is provided to you through SunLife. 

Please see the attached plan summary for coverage information.

Spreetail is partnering with Charles Schwab Retirement Plan Services for our employee 401k program. NEW 401k employer match beginning January 1, 2025! 

  • New Plan Features
    • Immediate eligibility
    • Automatic enrollment (opt out available)
    • 1% annual auto increase until 6% (opt out available)
    • Must be a US Based Employee
  • Plan Types
    • 401k (Pre-tax)
    • Roth IRA (Post-tax)
  • Employer Match
    • 3.5% total match from Spreetail
      • 100% up to 1% annual compensation
      • Plus 50% on the next 5% annual compensation
      • 2-year cliff vesting

Spreetail now offers pet insurance through Nationwide. We value every member of our employees’ families – right down to the four-legged ones.

Plan features include:

  • Get cash back on eligible vet bills: Choose 50% or 70% reimbursement
  • Easy to use: Base plans have $250 annual deductible and $7,500 in annual benefits
  • Just for employees: Employee pricing offered only through your company
  • Use any vet, anywhere: No networks, no pre-approvals

Easy Enrollment:

Enroll by the 15th of the previous month to begin coverage on the 1st. Examples below:

  • Enroll between 10/01/2024 to 12/15/2024 = Policy Effective date of 01/01/2025
  • Enroll between 12/16/2024 to 01/15/2025 = Policy Effective date of 02/01/2025
  • Enroll between 01/16/2025 to 02/15/2025 = Policy Effective date of 03/01/2025

There are three simple ways for you to sign up for your new pet insurance voluntary benefit:

  1. Go directly to the dedicated URL created for your company: https://benefits.petinsurance.com/spreetail
  2. Call 877-738-7874 and mention that you are an employee of Spreetail, to receive preferred pricing
  3. Visit PetsNationwide.com or scan the QR code below and enter your company name

We care about what you care about. Starting on your first day, Spreetail will match your donations to eligible nonprofits to assist you in revolutionizing your community, up to $5000 per year. We're here to help you make YOUR impact in your community. Contact [email protected] with any questions.

ProCo Perks, powered by Beneplace, gives you access to several exclusive savings at theme parks such as Disneyland and Walt Disney World, with hotels, rental cars, retail, meal programs such as Blue Apron, education, movie tickets, sporting events, concert tickets, select dealerships such as BMW and that is just the beginning! There are over 400 different brands that offer exclusive discounts. Be sure to visit the site often as new discount deals are constantly being added.

How to sign up:

And begin saving!

Your Wellness

Standard's Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Sometimes life throws you a curve ball; you and your family may have trouble coping at times due to troubled relationships, family concerns, stress, anxiety and depression, drug and alcohol concerns, legal and financial issues, work-related issues and other personal issues.

That’s why we offer an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that can help you with a variety of issues and give you greater peace of mind. You have 24/7 access to a team of counselors and service professionals who can offer help, all on a strictly confidential level.

No matter what you are dealing with, Standard's EAP is available to you and your dependents (your spouse, dependent children, parents and parents-in-law) to help. From confidential counseling with personal concerns, to helping you find child or elder or even pet care, to legal and financial resources and consultation, you will find the help you need.

To contact a confidential counselor call 888-293-6948 or log on to:


As an hourly employee, you will be paid to take up to 20 days off every year. Each year on your anniversary date, you will earn an additional day, up to 30 days per year.

As a salaried employee, you are granted an untracked number of days off each year.

In addition to a generous vacation policy, Spreetail offers a few time-off benefits that go above and beyond:

  • Community Time Off: Spreetail will offer an additional 3 days of paid time off to be a volunteer with a 501c3 charitable organization of your choice.
  • Wedding Week: Spreetail will offer an additional 5 days of paid time off taken consecutively right before or right after your wedding date.
  • Parental Leave: Spreetail offers 12 weeks of paid Maternity leave and 3 weeks of paid Parental leave. This policy is run in conjunction with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).


Please submit the below form or email [email protected], directly.